The Olympic Peninsula...

is my favorite area in Washington, it has a bit of everything. there is old growth forests, mountains, beaches, beautiful river valleys and of course rainforests! Located in the upper northwest corner of Washington State, the Olympic Peninsula is home to one of three National Parks in Washington State, Olympic Nation Park. A good handful of these photos were taken there but also in the surrounding forest, The Buckhorn Wilderness, The Brothers Wilderness, Mount Skokomish Wilderness, Wonder Mountain Wilderness, Colonel Bob Wilderness, and of course the Olympic National Forest. So much to explore within 3,600 square miles!

My personal favorite places would have to be Lake Crescent and really any of the rainforests, from the Quinault to the Hoh and the wonderful Sol Duc Falls.

FUN FACT: The Olympic Mountains are considered young in the history of geology rising out of the ocean only 34 million years ago.

Explore the Olympics:

Below are just general resources to help you find your next adventure. This is really just the tip of the iceberg but I hope it helps. If you are looking for backpacking info search for the Backcountry Wilderness Map on the NPS website.